Around noon today I went to check out the numbers of overwintering blackbirds at Hermie's Bar, Bait & Tackle just east of St. Peter and the MN River on the south side of Hwy. 99 in Le Sueur County. I counted the following:

59 Red-winged Blackbirds
67 Common Grackles
2 Brown-headed Cowbirds

These are the largest numbers of both Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles that I have ever seen at this location in winter.

While photographing one of the grackles, I witnessed it fishing at a small spot of open spring-fed water to the east of the small parking lot. During the time I photographed it, the bird caught and ate three small fish (probably minnows).

I have posted a photo of this on my blog: Pretty cool.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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