
I received a email from a Minnesota birder who reported this to me today  "I 
birded the bog Sunday and had a run-in with a photographer who was
baiting the hawk owl at Sax road and cty 7. We were stopped along with
another car of birders when this guy in a truck with North Dakota platesstops 
about a hundred yards away. He's out monkey around picking stuff
up and putting something on the ground, and when he does the owl comes
streaking in full bore right at the guy. He must've been yanking the
bait away because it didn't look like the bird got anything. I yelled
at him to knock it off and he stopped. Later after I got in my car he
drove up and confronted the guys from the other car, so I got back out
to talk to him. His excuse was "well, the road is where they hunt
anyway." I told him no, he didn't need to condition the bird to the
roadside and if he was patient he'd get good shots anyway. Frustrating. "

Here is another story of how a Northern Hawk Owl has apparently died this year 
due to over aggressive photographers:

I been following several photography forums: Camera Talk Minnesota,  
Fishingminnesota.com, Naturephotographers.net and I can honestly say  many 
photographers are using the MOU-listserv to look for owls and all other bird 
sightings and go after them for photos.  Now bear in mind the majority of 
photographers are very ethical and then there are some who do not care one bit 
about anything other than getting the "money shot".  Just like there are a ton 
of birders who follow the ABA guidelines for observing birds and then there's 
those who do not follow any ethical guidelines and gives the rest of us birders 
a bad name.

Also I am not against photographers at all, its just the small minority of them 
like the guy from North Dakota who makes me very angry that they think this is 
ethical to tease a owl with prey to get a photo.  I am sure most photographers 
would not support this type of strategy to get a photo of a owl.  

I ask any birder who visits Sax Zim Bog or if you see anyone teasing owls this 
winter in Minnesota to get their license numbers and report them to the DNR.  
If you have a camera take photos of them or take a video of them as proof of 
what they are doing is plain wrong! 


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net

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