I think this reminder begs the question, "WHY is Hoary Redpoll considered a 
RARE regular?"  Is it due to few accepted records annually?  I think there are 
all kinds of reasons this species would not be frequently documented that have 
little to do with its rarity.  
First, identifying this species requires encountering numerous redpolls and 
having the chance to study many of them closely.  Thus, an observer traveling 
from the southern part of the state to the SaxZim Bog or Duluth for a Saturday 
of birding may have a low probability of chancing on a Hoary Redpoll and 
getting to observe it well enough to be confident with the identification.  
Likewise, a birder from Duluth has the opportunity to view Varied Thrushes, 
Snowy Owls, Harlequin Ducks, Greater Black-backed Gulls, Golden-crowned 
Sparrows, and all kinds of reported and unreported birds of interest that 
likely reduce time spent studying redpoll flocks.  Conversely, in north-central 
Minnesota, redpolls in general are abundant, species--especially chasable 
listserv reports--competing for birding attention in winter are limited, and 
feeders provide opportunity for careful viewing.  In that context, while I 
don't frequently see beautiful, snow-whitish Hoary Redpolls around, birds that 
meet the field guide definition of a frostier redpoll with a mostly unstreaked 
rump and undertails, as well as the other subjective characteristics are not 
all that difficult to find with time spent.  So, for me, documenting a Hoary 
Redpoll in Itasca County seems like documenting a Black-backed Woodpecker in 
Itasca County....cool bird, but not front-page ornithological news.  
Second, considering that not all references agree and that with the exception 
of the most obvious Hoaries and Commons, redpoll field marks lie on a 
continuum, it's likely that many sightings would go undocumented because of 
lack of confidence.  A birder that sees an iffy female redpoll and identifies 
it as a Hoary because the bill appeared stubbier, the flank streaking was 
slightly finer, and the secondaries showed more white compared to Common is 
probably not going to submit documentation.  (Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't 
think so.)  This doesn't make the bird any less of a Hoary, it only means that 
Hoaries are almost certainly occurring in greater numbers than the aggregate 
observer bias involved in documentation would lead us to believe.  Even the 
field marks of such a bird, loaded with relative superlatives like "frostier, 
fluffier, stubbier" and hedging like 'may appear, averages, limited" lack the 
absolutes that encourage birders to document, especially when it is apparent 
that my idea of "frostier" or "faintly-streaked" is almost certainly different 
than that of each individual member of MOURC or even that of various field 
guide editors.  
My point is that I disagree with the notion that Hoary Redpoll is rare enough 
in Minnesota for observations of this species to warrant special treatment or 
the idea that any redpoll that doesn't look like a Snow Bunting in a red beret 
is either a Common or unidentifiable by birders who would otherwise claim to 
see the unbroken eye ring on a migrating Least Flycatcher.  Can I be the first 
to coin hornemanniphobia...fear of identifying Hoary Redpoll?   
By the way, for what it's worth I saw my first--and possibly second--Hoary 
Redpoll of 2009 on Saturday morning.  The account, which I shared locally, is 
"Most interesting was a large flock of Common Redpolls feeding in a pair of 
small birch trees in Coleraine, oblivious to my presence.  One male Hoary 
Redpoll feeding near the top was easy to pick out as its frostiness, 
slightly-blushed breast, barely-streaked flanks, and unstreaked undertails were 
obvious.  A female was feeding very close to it, but the marks were not quite 
as clear, the undertails were only visible briefly, and this bird may have 
actually been a pale Common--though I think it was a Hoary."
Maybe I have this thing all wrong, but if I do, at least I'll take some of the 
heat off the photographers!  (And maybe I'll have to go back and erase Hoary 
Redpoll from my Itasca, Koochiching, Cass, St. Louis, and Cook lists!)  
Good birding.  
Shawn Conrad 
http://users.2z.net/itasca_chippewa_birding/  > Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 12:12:20 
-0500> From: drew...@aol.com> Subject: [mou-net] **Hoary Redpoll** Reminder> 
To: MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU> > There seem to be increasing numbers of Hoary 
Redpolls being reported recently, from several locations throughout the state. 
I would like to remind EVERYONE that this species is considered to have "rare 
regular" status in the state, and also presents an ID challenge, and therefore 
REQUIRES documentation. NO exceptions. I have been sending e-mails to 
individuals requesting documentation, but am getting a little behind, so please 
consider this message to be a heads up. Please know that to have your report 
published in the seasonal summary of this species in THE LOON, and included in 
the permanent record/ archive it MUST be documented. The preferred method would 
be to use the RQD form on the MOU web site. However, I will accept any 
contemporaneous notes or photos sent directly to me. ALL undocumented reports 
will merely be listed as such at the end of the introduction to the the Winter 
Season article when published.> > > > Any questions pertaining to this can be 
sent to me, Paul Budde (the Seasonal Report Editor) or Jim Mattsson, (Winter 
Season Compiler).> > > > > Thank you in advance for your cooperation.> > > > > 
Good birding!> > > > > Drew Smith> > Winter Season Compiler> > ----> Join or 
Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net> 
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