After posting my request for advice on finding Boreal Owls, I received a few 
requests to post any useful information I received.  I only received a handful 
of replies, but there was some consistency (and one attached photo of a 
handsome Boreal Owl that makes me want to go out and find one even more).    
A couple of people suggested that the best thing to do is spend as much time in 
the lowland conifers (especially if vole activitiy is apparent) as possible 
until one turns up.  Several suggested watching around bird feeders when snow 
and temperature conditions become difficult.  All times of day were suggested 
as best!  I have pasted a portion of one helpful response I received because it 
referred to actual tree location:
Boreal Owls tend to like south-facing slopes or exposures (like road cutsand 
forest edges). They often sit and apparently sun themselves on theoutside of 
conifers, often in the early afternoon, and usually from abouteye-level up to 
20 feet (but not usually higher). Some of this may be wherethey're easiest to 
find, rather than where they spend most of their time. Iimagine they roost deep 
in cover like Saw-whet Owls much of the time, butit'd be real tough to find one 
doing that.
I appreciate all the replies I received.  Looks like it's worth trying a little 
of all of the above for this elusive species!  
Shawn Conrad  
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