This morning with a friend, I birded Sax-Zim Bog. We started about 7:25am on
County Road 7, and birded until about 1:00pm. What a wonderful day of birds
today! While at the rib-cage/birdfeeding area, there were easily 50+ Common
Redpolls, and one HOARY REDPOLL. Two absolutely gorgeous Northern Hawk Owls
were seen. There's lots of other cool sightings, and here's my bog list from

Sax-Zim Bog

Bald Eagle (1)
Northern Hawk Owl (2)
Black-billed Magpie (2)
Blue Jay
Gray Jay (3)
Common Raven
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Black-capped Chickadee
Common Redpoll
Hoary Redpoll (1)
White-winged Crossbills (2)
Pine Grosbeak (4)

I identified the Hoary as soon as I saw the field marks... This bird, while
feeding on the ground with the other Redpolls, and showed a slightly
pale-flushed face, with literally a 'hint' of pale gray marks on the side
flanks (sides). The flanks of this bird initially looked pure snow white,
until I focused on it for a second more, and saw a few very pale gray
specks. As soon as this bird turned away, a snow-white rump was visible.
Also as it turned away, the folded wings were noticably paler gray than the
nearby Common Redpoll's folded wings (Common Redpolls tend to show a
slate/black wings, whereas the Hoary Redpoll's wings appear more of a
'bleached' slate gray color). This is the third Hoary Redpoll I've ever
seen, and I've found that it's good to look for that frosty/pale overall
appearance of the bird's body (of course, note the specific field marks to
make sure everything is in check for a Hoary Redpoll, and not a pale Common

After I got back to Duluth, I decided to head over to Canal Park, and just
enjoy a brief afternoon of looking for birds there. I saw:

Canal Park

Rock Pigeons
Glaucous Gull (1 flyover, and that's it for gulls today)
Bald Eagle (1)
Common Goldeneyes

Thanks everyone for assisting me with recently seen sightings. Based on the
recently observed sightings that were forwarded to me in the bog, the
White-winged Crossbills were new, as well as one of the Hawk Owls... Let me
know if you're headed up to the bog sometime, and I'd be glad to backchannel
the locations to ya :)

Good birding,
Erik Bruhnke

Duluth, MN

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