Jim Otto and I travelled to Dodge and Mower counties today in search of the 
recently reported Snowy Owls.
The Dodge county Snowy Owl was found in the field to the west of 150 Ave., 
about halfway between 690 St. and 700 St.  At first it was on the ground next 
to one of the large white posts, then perched on the post.
There was a flock of over 100 White-winged Crossbills just north of here, in 
the spruces along the east side of 150 Ave. north of 690 St.  It was very 
enjoyable viewing the crossbills feeding in these low spruces.
The Mower county Snowy Owl was briefly observed perched on a utility pole on 
640 Ave., south of 300 St.  It then flew into the field to the west of 640 Ave. 
(5:00 pm).
Thanks to everyone who posted locations and updates on these Snowy Owls, and to 
Bruce Lees for alerting us to the presence of the White-winged Crossbills.

Doug Kieser

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