I found one female Spruce Grouse on Lake County Hwy 1, .1 mile east of mile 
marker 302.  This is west of Lake 2.  She was picking grit off the highway and 
flushed when another car went by.  The time was between 8:00 and 8:30.  I'd 
been doing dawn patrol for Spruce Grouse on Cty. 2, but it was quiet - well, 
lot's of WW Crossbills, Pine Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls broke the monotony.

Other highlights of my North Shore weekend:

Saturday in Duluth -

I refound the Northern Hawk Owl at Jean Dultuh and Beyer Rds. - 3:00ish

The male Barrow's Goldeneye was with a large group  of Commons off 23rd St.

I made a pass at the GC Sparrow, but the feeders and neighborhood was quiet.

I was surprise to find a male Red-breasted Merganser at Canal Park

Sunday afternoon in SaxZim - 

I found the N Hawk Owl that's seen around Sax Rd and 7 on Admiral Rd.  It was 
right by the road in a low deciduous tree.

One Hoary Redpoll and one Boreal Chickadee at the Admiral Road Feeders.  (I 
took pictures and field notes, Drew, so you'll get my homework!)

A female Black-backed Woodpecker in the woods off McDavitt.  I followed the 
well-worn path on the east side of the road, about 3.5 miles north of Sax Rd.  

Dusk patrol on McDavitt and Lake Nichols yielded NO Great Grays.

Thanks to all for reporting locations and updates!

Linda Sparling

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