I had a fun late morning today in and around Ely.  Pine Siskins, Pine Grosbeaks 
and Common Redpolls were very active, vocal and numerous at many stops I made.  
A few scattered crossbills seen as well.  Previously reported Bohemian Waxwings 
were seen in Ely from the Trezona Trail along the south end of Miners Lake; I 
saw about 15-20 but I believe others have found as many as 60 on other days.  
In the small town of Winton (3 miles east of Ely) there was a lot of activity 
around one particular feeder (easily seen from the main north-south road 
through town) including Redpolls, Pine Grosbeaks, Evening Grosbeaks, and even a 
Spruce Grouse!  Quite an easy and unexpected way to find see my first one.  

Toward the end of my travels today I also saw a wolf cross the road in front of 
my car, then stop to look at me for about 10 seconds and allowing me to snap a 
photo before it moved along.  

Kyle TePoel

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