In Lake Co today, my tour group found a Spruce Grouse on Hwy 1 and an Am Three-toed Woodpecker on Spruce Rd.

The grouse was a male picking at grit in the road at mid-morning at mile 299.1, which is 12 mi NW of the Co Rd 2 intersection. Earlier in the morning there was also a road-kill Spruce Grouse in the traditional area on Co Rd 2, 1.1 mi N of the Sand River.

The woodpecker was a drumming female on Spruce Rd, 0.6 mi N of Hwy 1. (The Spruce Rd turns off Hwy 1 near mile 297, 14 mi NW of Co Rd 2.)

There were also several groups of Red Crossbills along Hwy 1 and on Spruce Rd, and we found a small flock of Bohemian Waxwings in Ely: these were near the corner of Washington St and 5th Ave, which is a few blocks NE of downtown.

Great Gray Owls have apparently been getting harder to find this week, especially in the Sax-Zim Bog where virtually all the birders I know of (ourselves included) have not been able to find any. About the only sighting I'm aware of there was a brief fly-by this afternoon on McDavitt Rd, ~3 mi N of Sax Rd.

Kim Eckert
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