Nasty day but a good one for birding. Cold and wind made for watering eyes and kept me in the truck. In spite of that I got my closest look at several birds.

20 Wild Turkeys in a field on the east edge of Good Thunder. Frequently see turkeys there, never that many.
At Maple R. WMA:
    4 Trumpeter Swans in flight- first this year
A flock of White-Fronted Geese with 5 W. phase Snow Geese 30 yards from the road. Got some decent photos and counted 23 WFs. Then they all took off and to my amazement there were well over a 100. They wheeled around severl times circling the marsh vocalizing loudly. A Northern Harrier made a pass by the marsh and I got a long look at it soaring through the tall grass. From the south parking area while scanning the area with my scope a pair of Green-Winged Teal came into view and I was able to follow them to the water. Just after they lit 8 drake Shovelers filed past them and as they dabbled along they passed a drake Wood Duck. Very pretty,
         but would have been spectacular if the sun had been out.
Another spring moment as 10 drake Shovelers followed a lone female round and round the pond. Enroute to Perch L. south of Mapleton saw many Killdeer and a few Cowbirds along the road.

At Perch L.
    100s of Canvasbacks I have never seen so many in one place
     Many Ring-Necks
     4 Ruddy Ducks- first this year
Pond east of Beauford on 586 Ave north of CR 10
     200 or more Canvasbacks
      Many Ring-necks
      4 Buffleheads among the above
      Several Blue-Wing Teal
      Canada Geese
At Home (between Beauford and Good Thunder)
No Red Polls since last Friday though reports of 3 at feeders south of Mapleton and one at a feeder in upper No. Mankato Since the Red Polls have vacated I'm getting Goldfinches for the first time in two months, also House Finches First Mourning Dove since last fall. I know they are not an unusual winter bird for many, but rare for us and another sign of spring ( in spite of the snow this morning).

John Nelson Good Thunder MN

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