So much for our Spring thaw. At least the new snow hides the miserable mud pits that developed earlier in the week.

Today at the farm south of Bagley...

FOY Juncos - The lone Junco that has over-wintered with us was joined by 5 of his brethren. He must be tickled to have some buddies to hang with. FOY A. Robins - 5 Robins stormed into the old Lilac hedge like fighter pilots returning to an aircraft carrier. Beautiful color against the snow-laden branches. 200+ finches, mostly Redpoll, a few Pine Siskin, increasing numbers of Purples. American Goldfinch are starting to show a little color. Not as many Goldfinch present today as earlier in the week. Red-bellied Woodpecker - all Winter and still with us. He appears to be looking for love, hope he gets some satisfaction. The regulars, H, D, and P Woodpeckers, RB and WB Nuthatch, oodles of BC Chickadees and mobs of Blue Jay.

Three crows chased and mobbed a buteo through/over the woods this afternoon. The hawk looked only slightly larger than the crows, very pale underneath, little to no streaking apparent. Short, rounded tail. Under-tail was light with a darker margin and wing-tips (underside) were also dark. To early for Broad-winged? It didn't strike me as a Red-tail, but I know they are notorious for plumage variation.

Also this week, three Barred Owl hunting in the front yard. One sat on a stump and gave what sounded like a begging call. Another flew down from it's hunting perch in a nearby White Pine and landed next to the begging owl briefly. It then flew in the direction of a third calling owl. I'm assuming food solicitation is part of mating game. These owls have been very vocal for the past week.

Kelly Larson
The Bagley Farm -Clearwater
The Bemidji Loft -Beltrami

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