Out guiding today with George King of Georgia. Highlights: Sax Zim Bog: -15 Sharp-tailed Grouse on the Arkola Rd Lek near the intersection of CR 208. This is the old lek that was barely used in the last few years as the lek along CR 29 just north of CR 133 was heavily used my the grouse. The pasture on CR 29 is over grown and the grass/clover was never harvested last year. So the either the birds are hidden in the tall grass and out of sight or the birds moved north to the current lek on Arkola Rd / CR 208.
- Common Redpolls. - Northern Shrike - White-winged Crossbill - Rough-legged Hawk - Sandhill Crane * Car killed Great Gray Owl along CR 133 just a mile or so east of CR 7. ( fresh kill ) I checked for a band on the leg and found none. The bird died quickly as the body was in the middle of road and the head was a few yards from the main body. Duluth Canal Park: - Adult Great Black-backed Gull on the light pole above the closed off breakwall. Wisconsin Landfill: - 4 Glaucous Gulls ( 2 adults, 1 first cycle and 1 2nd cycle ) - 1 Adult Thayers Gull Skyline Overlook ( with Karl Bardon ) - Golden Eagle Yesterday: 3/29 - Sax Zim Bog I located a female Black-backed Woodpecker on the the McDavitt Rd about 3 miles north of CR 28. - Northern Harriers, Kestrel, Rough-legged Hawks and a Merlin. Mike Hendrickson Duluth, Minnesota Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/ Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/ ---- Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html