I finally got my wish of local migratory ducks this afternoon along with a 
couple shorebirds.
chevalle wetlands in Chaska
wood duck
ring-necked duck
hooded merganser
pied-billed grebe
am. coot
greater yellowlegs
wilson's snipe
the usual r-w blackbirds, robins, gulls, etc
Purgatory Creek
Hooded and common mergansers
2 pair lesser scaup
pied-billed grebe
large numbers of am. coot
common grackles, starlings, blackbirds in large numbers along the trail to the 
the swans were not present as I expected.  The gulls are starting to collect on 
the middle sandbar and although there were a couple shorebirds at Chevalle, 
there were none at Purgatory.
N. Anderson Lake
Many Green-winged Teal
Blue-winged Teal (only 2 males that I noticed)

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