A loop from Clearwater Narrows through Annandale viaCR6 a shift over to Waverly to Hollywood Station marshlands-Norwood-Colonge-Waconia & back through Maple Lake. Most lakes were rather vacant. (Thurs-9th, sunny, N winds-57sp. count) Lake Albion- largest mixed rafting ducks of the day-Both Scaups (one male Lesser was tightly following a female Greater Scaup separate of the pack and came nearby), Loons-2, FOY-Tree Swallow, Western Meadowlark singing. WPA near Bill Anderson County Park- FOY Hermit Thrush-2, Fox Sparrows, Green-winged Teal. Little Waverly Lake- 35+ Common Mergansers, Red-breasted & Hooded Merg., Loons-5. CR8 1mi S in corn stubble-80 Tundra Swans. Hollywood Station-New Germany marshlands: Green and Blue-winged Teal. No shorebirds but scattered Killdeer. (Might want to watch subdivision development on CR33/62nd for shorebirds). Young America Lake- 3rd largest raft-many Canvasback, Ringnecks, both Scaup, plus others. Bongards & Colonge wastewater ponds-no shorebirds. Lake Waconia-2nd largest raft of ducks.
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