Here is a list of upcoming MOU Field Trips for this spring.  Please note
the May 3rd trip which has not previously been publicized.
April 24-26 - Salt Lake Weekend led by Ken Larson, Steve Weston, et al.
Details of this long-standing event can be found at or by contacting Ken Larson at
May 3 - Crane Meadows NWR in Morrison County with Milton Blomberg and
his son Caleb.  Birders will start at 8:00am at the kiosk at the
entrance to the refuge and bird until noon.  Lunch will be provided by
the refuge and M.C. Birders.  After lunch birders can continue to bird
around the Little Falls area.  A wide variety of species can be found at
the refuge including Sandhill Cranes, waterfowl, shorebirds, rails, and
woodland and prairie birds. Contact Frank Gosiak at or
at 320-616-7001 or Milt Blomberg at 320-828-1171. 
May 9 - Stearns County  This year we are again teaming up with the folks
at Saint John's Abbey and University for an event on May 9th in Stearns
County.  Their portion of the day starts at 5:30am and goes until about
1:00pm with breaks for breakfast and lunch.  They will be exploring the
campus with different groups led by experienced birders.  The cost is
$16 and you can get more information at
The MOU portion of the day will be in the afternoon with Milt Blomberg.
He will start from the campus and head to the Avon Hills area to look
for migrant passerines and shorebirds.  Possibilities include
Gray-cheeked and Wood Thrush, Cerulean and Mourning Warbler,
Red-shouldered Hawk, Scarlet and Summer Tanager and a number of
shorebirds. Contact Milt at or at 320-656-5272.  The
afternoon trip is free and open to MOU members and is in collaboration
with the Arboretum Avon Hills Initiative.
May 15 - Sherburne NWR and Mille Lacs Kathio State Park led by Al
Schirmacher. Meet at 7am at the Mahnomen Trail parking are at the north
side of the refuge west of US 169.  Birds will hike two trails and take
the driving tour through the refuge.  There will be an optional
afternoon trip to the state park at the SW corner of Lake Mille Lacs.
Contact Al Schirmacher at 
May 16 - Sibley and Le Sueur County led by Art and Barb Straub.  Meet at
7:30am at The Ney Center on Hwy 19 at the top of the bluffs just east of
the Minnesota River in Le Sueur County.  Birders will explore the Ney
Center property and then split up into groups and bird other locations
in the area using detailed maps, descriptions and birdlists that will be
provided to them.  Contact Dolores Hagen at
May 23 - Cedar Creek Ecological Science Reserve in Anoka and Isanti
County led by Jim Howitz.  Meet at 7am at the Cedar Creek facility on
Co. Rd. 24 east of Hwy 65 in East Bethel.  Birders will explore the 8
square miles of the reserve for migrants and breeding birds, including
Lark Sparrow and Red-headed Woodpeckers.  Contact Jim Howitz at
May 24 - Wild River State Park in Chisago County led by Joe Sausen. Meet
at 8 am at the boat ramp along the St. Croix River in the park. Birders
will explore the park looking for migrants and breeding birds, including
Blue-winged and Golden-winged Warblers.  Bring your lunch and enjoy a
pleasant view from the elevated deck at the park overlooking a beautiful
prairie.  Contact Joe Sausen at  
May 30-31 - Blue Earth, Nicollet and Brown County with Bob Dunlap, Chad
Heins and Brian Smith.  This will be a two day event with three local
birders who know these counties as well as anyone.  Final plans will
depend upon weather and habitat but expect to do some serious birding
both days.  Contact them at,
June 5-7, Weekend in Hubbard County at the Neilson Spearhead Center and
in Cass County at Deep Portage Learning Center.  Birders will meet on
Friday at 7am at the Neilson Spearhead Center, located about 9 miles
southwest of Bemidji and managed by the Mississippi Headwaters Audubon
Society, and spend a relaxed day at the center.  The morning will
feature a guided birding tour of conifer forests, bogs and lakeshore
with the possibility of migrant and resident passerines, including the
chance for nesting Black-backed Woodpeckers and Yellow-headed
Blackbirds.  On the lake there should be Common Loons and Bald Eagles.
There will be a picnic lunch after which birders will be free to explore
the area on their own or just relax and enjoy Spearhead Lake.  The cost
for this portion of the trip is $15 which includes a box lunch.  To
register for Friday at Spearhead contact George-Ann Maxson at or at 218-586-3414.  This portion of the trip is
being cosponsored by the Mississippi Headwaters Audubon Society.  For
information about the center go to
On Friday evening(after dinner) birders will meet at Deep Portage
Learning Center. They will bird that evening in search of Yellow Rails,
Nelson Sharp-tailed and Le Conte's Sparrows and Whip-poor-wills. Lodging
is available at the center for $25 per night which includes breakfast.
Rooms are double and triple occupancy only and you will need to supply
your own linens.  Credit Cards are not accepted so bring cash or check.
On Saturday there will be guided birding around the area in Cass County
with excellent resident birders. Such species as Yellow-bellied
Flycatcher and Connecticut Warbler are likely. Birders will be
responsible for their own lunch and dinner.  Food can be stored at the
center over night if required. Birders can stay a second night at the
center and have breakfast for another $25, but they should plan to leave
on Sunday morning.  To register for this portion of the trip contact Ben
Wieland at  For information about Deep Portage go
to  Birders can register for either or both of
the Neilson Spearhead portion and/or the Deep Portage portion.  
June 13 - Aitkin County with Al Schirmacher.  Meet at 7:30am at the
parking lot at the main entrance to Rice Lake NWR on Hwy 65 south of
McGregor.  Birders will explore the refuge and then go on to other areas
in the county.  Contact Al Schirmacher at
It is suggested that you be an MOU member to participate these field
trips. The cost is $25 for a single person and $30 for a family.  Other
levels of membership are listed in MOU publications and on the MOU
Anyone interested in Kim Eckert's MBW Trips should contact him at or at 218-525-6930.  Information on his trips can
also be found on the MOU website.
If anyone would like to lead a field trip or has a suggestion for a
field trip, please contact me at or at
Bob Williams
MOU Field Trip Coordinator

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