Hi everyone,

  John Hockema and I found a Hudsonian Godwit this morning at Straight River 
Marsh, which is along the east side of CR 45 just north of Hwy. 30. Also 
present were 12 Willets and 4 Wilson's Phalaropes.


  We found Willets in two other Steele Co. locations; 5 just west of Rice Lake 
State Park in a small patch of flooded field along SE 74 St. and a single 
Willet on the west side of CR 45 just north of Straight River Marsh, making a 
total of 18 Willets for the day.


  Other highlights included one Western Grebe, a few Horned Grebes and one 
Red-necked Grebe on Rice Lake at the state park. There were also a few 
Forster's Terns about and several Marsh Wrens calling in the cattails.


  There were also a few American Pipits at the Claremont Sewage Ponds in Dodge 
County, but unfortunately, no shorebirds.


Good birding!


Dave Bartkey

Faribault, MN


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