I found a single Piping Plover at the flooded field NW of Pennock, .8 mile 
north of Hwy 12 on 120th St.  When I looked at my photos I discovered that the 
bird has a green band on its right leg.  I also found two Piping Plovers at 
Olson Lake in the SW part of Kandiyohi County.  There were also three American 
Avocets at Olson Lake.
Also at Olson Lake:

Short-billed and Long-billed Dowitchers

Stilt Sandpipers


Wilson's Phalaropes

Baird's, Least, Semipalmated and Pectoral Sandpipers

Peregrine Falcon

At the location NW of Pennock:


both Dowitchers

American Pipits

Thanks to Randy Frederickson for sharing these productive locations.

To end the day I ventured to the Nature Conservancy area south of Regal.  It 
was absolutely magical to serenaded at dusk by American Bittern, Soras, Marsh 
and Sedge Wrens, Swamp Sparrows, VIrginia Rails and American Woodcock.

Linda Sparling

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