One of my first visitors to the birdbath was  an Indigo Bunting at my home in 
Vadnais Heights.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MOU-NET automatic digest system<> 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:00 AM
  Subject: MOU-NET Digest - 3 May 2009 to 4 May 2009 (#2009-106)

  There are 10 messages totalling 340 lines in this issue.

  Topics of the day:

    1. 3 Piping Plovers, 3 Am. Avocets in Kandiyohi Cty.
    2. Black-bellied plover
    3. oops!
    4. Significant Migration in Sherburne & Mille Lacs; MOU Sherburne trip
    5. Winona yellow-throated warbler
    6. Rice County - Carleton Arboretum: Blue-winged Warbler and other FOS
    7. Crane Meadows, Morrison County report
    8. Thank yous and FOY
    9. American Avocet in Rice County
   10. Least Bittern, Nicollet County

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 01:01:20 -0400
  From:    Linda Sparling <<>>
  Subject: 3 Piping Plovers, 3 Am. Avocets in Kandiyohi Cty.

  I found a single Piping Plover at the flooded field NW of Pennock, .8 mile=
   north of Hwy 12 on 120th St. =C2=A0When I looked at my photos I discovere=
  d that the bird has a green band on its right leg. =C2=A0I also found two=
   Piping Plovers at Olson Lake in the SW part of Kandiyohi County. =C2=A0Th=
  ere were also three American Avocets at Olson Lake.
  Also at Olson Lake:

  Short-billed and Long-billed Dowitchers

  Stilt Sandpipers


  Wilson's Phalaropes

  Baird's, Least, Semipalmated and Pectoral Sandpipers

  Peregrine Falcon

  At the location NW of Pennock:


  both Dowitchers

  American Pipits

  Thanks to Randy Frederickson for sharing these productive locations.

  To end the day I ventured to the Nature Conservancy area south of Regal.=
   =C2=A0It was absolutely magical to serenaded at dusk by American Bittern,=
   Soras, Marsh and Sedge Wrens, Swamp Sparrows, VIrginia Rails and American=

  Linda Sparling

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 08:19:17 -0500
  From:    Robin LaFortune 
  Subject: Black-bellied plover

  I stopped at the Sleepy Eye sewage ponds on my way home from the MBW and =
  was rewarded with a beautiful black-bellied plover in breeding plumage.  =
  It was walking on the berm between the front and back ponds.=20

   There was plenty of activity in the back pond -=20
  30+ Wilson's phalaropes, 5 Willets, many peeps and yellowlegs, and a few =
  dunlin. Also a nice variety of waterfowl.

  I also found several red-necked grebes on Braunworth lake, just NE of =
  Young America on 25.

  This morning, red-breasted grosbeaks and Baltimore oriole at the =

  Robin Lafortune
  Delano, MN

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 08:43:13 -0500
  From:    Robin LaFortune 
  Subject: oops!

  ROSE- breasted, not red-breasted grosbeak-  this am at the feeders- =


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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 09:20:21 -0500
  From:    Pastor Al Schirmacher 
  Subject: Significant Migration in Sherburne & Mille Lacs; MOU Sherburne trip 

  New migrants in in Mille Lacs County & Sherburne NWR area last few days:

  * 5/4, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Marsh Wren, Grasshopper Sparrow

  * 5/3, (not a birding day), House Wren

  * 5/2, Lesser Yellowlegs (bizarre to be this late), Willet (Mille Lacs 
  County bird after 5.5 years here), Spotted Sandpiper, Forster's Tern, Purple 
  Martin (they've been at Mille Lacs Lake for while, I'm sure) Northern 
  Rough-winged Swallow, Bank Swallow, Black-and-White Warbler

  * 5/1, American White Pelican (again, I'm sure they were here earlier), 
  Orange-crowned Warbler, Palm Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow, Lark Sparrow

  For those involved in the Sherburne NWR field trip - we meet Saturday, May 
  16th 7:00 AM at Mahnomen Trail.  Take 169 to Sherburne CR 9, CR 9 west until 
  you enter the refuge, Mahnomen Trail will be on your left within 1/2 mile or 
  so (there are signs).

  Good birding to all!

  Al Schirmacher
  Princeton, MN
  Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 11:10:56 -0500
  From:    Steve Midthune <<>>
  Subject: Winona yellow-throated warbler

           A yellow-throated warbler was seen this morning along the dike =
  road on Prairie Island.  It was about .3 miles past McNalley Landing on =
  the river side.

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 13:00:27 -0500
  From:    Owen Scott McMurtrey 
  Subject: Rice County - Carleton Arboretum: Blue-winged Warbler and other FOS

  Today at about 12:00 I heard a Blue-winged Warbler singing in the northern 
part of Carleton's Upper Arboretum (this part of the Arb is in Rice County). It 
wasn't shy, and I proceeded to take some cruddy pictures of it, which are at 
this address:<>

  There must have been a decent movement last night because numbers of 
White-throated Sparrows Palm Warblers and Yellow-Rumped Warblers were noticably 

  Other FOS:
  Blue-headed Vireo
  Nashville Warbler
  Swamp Sparrow
  Northern Waterthrush

  (I think I'm behind schedule on the last two).

  Owen McMurtrey
  Carleton College
  Northfield, MN

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 13:14:16 -0500
  From:    Frank Gosiak <<>>
  Subject: Crane Meadows, Morrison County report

  If you were a person just out for number counts, it was lacking, but, a v=
  nice day just to bird and enjoy the surroundings. Only 76 species reporte=

  Birds of note: 3 warblers  Yellow Rumped, Palm, Orange Crowned
                     shore birds.Wilson Snipe, Woodcock, Killdeer, American=

  Bittern, Sora
                      (heard an Upland Sandpiper but didn't see it) Coots.

   Blue Bird, Hermit & Swainsons Thrush, Martins, Grasshopper, Savanna,=
  Sparrows, Blue Gray Gnat Catcher,Northern Harrier, Broad Winged, Sharp
  Shinned, Red Tailed Hawks, Bald Eagles. Plenty of Sandhill Cranes and Blu=
  Herons. Water fowl low with Lesser Scaup, Blue and Green Winged Teal, Red=

  Heads, Buffle Heads, Ring Necks, and Cormorant.=20

  Also, Went to the Sobieski and Flensburg sewage ponds and picked up a cou=
  of Wilsons Phalarope  and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs .=20

  Hope more shorebirds and Warblers will show soon. Nice group of people
  showed and had a good time. Brunch was very good. Also, nice to see a few=

  very excited young birders.               

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 17:32:24 -0500
  From:    "john c. nelson" 
  Subject: Thank yous and FOY

  Thanks so much for the visits by great birders the past four days. A  
  great group of people and I picked up a number of valuable tips on  
  Particular thanks of course to the Summer Tanager and his "opening  
  act" the Eastern Towhee, both cooperated wonderfully by appearing
  within 15-20 minutes of visitors arrivals Thursday thru Saturday.

  Other birds seen during visits:

  White-Crowned and White-Throated Sparrows
  Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
  Black-White Warbler
  Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
  House Wren
  Downy, Hairy, and Red-Bellied WPs
  Yellow-Rumped Warbler
  Blue Jay
  Lincoln's Sparrow
  BC Chickadee
  WB Nuthatch
  Common Grackle
  Red-Wing Blackbird
  Mourning Dove
  Brown-Headed Cowbird
  E. Starling
  and of course a brief look at a female Blue Grosbeak
  Sadly the Tanager and Towhee have left, not seen since Saturday evening

  Today FOY
  Harris' Sparrow
  Buzzed by a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
  Rose-Breasted Grosbeak and 2 male Northern Orioles
  am anticipating Indigo Buntings and Orchard Orioles
    If the three young ladies who visited Friday afternoon could send me  
  their names I would appreciate it.
  I didn't write them down and memory is terrible.
  Also my apology for messing up some names in earlier postings, I've  
  been corrected by others who know them well.

  John Nelson
  Good Thunder MN

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 22:31:57 +0000
  Subject: American Avocet in Rice County

  Just found 1 American Avocet on W. End of island in Cody Lake in NW Rice VP. 
Seen from Union Lake Tr at E. End of lake. 
  Bob Williams, Bloomington
  Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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  Date:    Mon, 4 May 2009 18:59:08 -0500
  From:    Bob Dunlap <<>>
  Subject: Least Bittern, Nicollet County

  This afternoon a Least Bittern was calling from the marsh behind the  
  shorebird area at the WMA one mile north of the town of Nicollet on  
  the east side of Hwy. 111. This is the earliest I have ever observed  
  one in MN; I usually don't see them until the latter half of May.

  The water levels are remaining a bit high for shorebirds at this  
  location, although there are some spots with lower water and mudflats  
  holding a few shorebirds. Today there were Lesser Yellowlegs, Pectoral  
  Sandpipers, and Dunlins here.

  For some reason, I haven't found any Willets or Avocets either here or  
  at the Nicollet sewage ponds even though they seem to be present in  
  just about every other southern county right now.

  Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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  End of MOU-NET Digest - 3 May 2009 to 4 May 2009 (#2009-106)

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