I found one and only one by Sucker Creek at Vadnais Lake.  Lots of Yellow-rumps 
and Palms.
Carole Nimlos
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MOU-NET automatic digest system<mailto:lists...@lists.umn.edu> 
  Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 12:05 AM
  Subject: MOU-NET Digest - 5 May 2009 to 6 May 2009 (#2009-108)

  There are 17 messages totalling 676 lines in this issue.

  Topics of the day:

    1. Steele Co Whooping Cranes: Update
    2. Sherburne Auto Tour
    3. Chequamegon Bay Birding & Nature Festival, May 15-17
    4. Bird walk in Bloomington, Sat 8am
    5. Directions to Cobb River WPA
    6. Eagle cam
    7. Eurasian Collared-Doves - Lyon County
    8. Willets Hennpin County
    9. FOY Duluth Birds
   10. 9-sparrow flock, Dakota
   11. Maple Grove Eagle Lake birding outings
   12. Parking lot sparrows
   13. Maple Grove Eagle Lake
   14. Am. Avocets (Hennepin Co.)
   15. south minneapolis song birds
   16. Lake Byllesby spring refill planned
   17. About the Metro

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 07:56:20 -0500
  From:    Lisa Gelvin-Innvaer 
  Subject: Re: Steele Co Whooping Cranes: Update

    see  the website for the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership  
  There is a wealth of information on the cranes.

  Also your reports are needed to help track them.  These can be reported =
  online at 
  There is a link on the right side of the page.

  Researchers have learned that cranes that become overly tolerant of human =
  presence are at greater risk to numerous hazards that could endanger their =
  well-being. =20

  The WCEP asks anyone who encounters a whooping crane in the wild to please =
  view from a distance  so they so they can survive and thrive:
  Their guidance includes:
     -Do not approach birds on foot within 200 yards;
     -Try to remain in your vehicle
     -Use of binoculars or spotting scopes is recommended for viewing
      -Do not approach in a vehicle within 100 yards.=20
     -Please remain   concealed and do not speak loudly enough that the =
  birds can hear you.
     -Please do not trespass on private property in an attempt to view =
  whooping cranes."

  Again thanks so much for your report!

  Lisa Gelvin-Innvaer
  Reg. Nongame Wildlife Specialist
  MN DNR  Southern Region
  Div. of Ecological Resources
  Nongame Wildlife Program
  261 Hwy 15 South
  New Ulm, MN 56073
  phone:  ( 507) 359-6033
        fax:   (507) 359-6018

  >>> Howard Towle <towle...@umn.edu<mailto:towle...@umn.edu>> 5/5/2009 10:29 
PM >>>
  The two Whooping  Cranes reported this morning from just south of =20
  Owatonna were still present this evening at 6:30 PM in the same field. =20
  Does anyone know the origin of these birds? Are they part of the =20
  Wisconsin flock that overshot their mark?

  Thanks Ken!

  Howard Towle
  Golden Valley, MN

  > Two Whooping Cranes were first spotted by Emily Hutchins Monday =20
  > night around 7:30.  They were flying over the intersection of Hwys. =20
  > 218 and 14 on the south side of Owatonna.  They landed in a green =20
  > meadow on the south side of 18th Street on the eastern edge of =20
  > Owatonna.  They were still present at 7:30 Tuesday AM.
  > Ken Vail
  > Blooming Prairie

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 09:30:38 -0500
  From:    Pastor Al Schirmacher 
  Subject: Sherburne Auto Tour

  Harris' Sparrow (among 11 sparrow species) on Sherburne NWR's Auto Tour this 
  morning.  Other first of years there included:  Least Flycatcher, Warbling 
  Vireo, Sedge Wren, Gray Catbird, White-crowned Sparrow, Rose-breasted 
  Grosbeak and Baltimore Oriole.  Yesterday added Ovenbird, Northern 
  Waterthrush (significantly late) and Solitary Sandpiper.

  Good birding to all!

  Al Schirmacher
  Princeton, MN
  Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties 

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 09:34:28 -0500
  From:    Debbie Waters <dwat...@hawkridge.org<mailto:dwat...@hawkridge.org>>
  Subject: Chequamegon Bay Birding & Nature Festival, May 15-17

  <forwarded by request>

  As a member of the steering committee, I'm pleased to announce that the =
  third annual
  Chequamegon Bay Birding & Nature Festival will be held Fri-Sun, May =
  15-17, 2009 along
  the south shore of Lake Superior near Ashland, Wisconsin. For festival =
  information and
  registration, please visit our website:


  The festival features over 100 field trips, presentations, workshops, =
  and youth
  programs on an incredible variety of topics, ranging from birds to =
  bears, fish to
  flowers, dragonflies to bats, fungi to frogs, and much more. This year's =
  speaker is the great humorist and storyteller, Al Batt. Local legend =
  Dick Verch will
  also present on his 30+ years of Chequamegon Bay birding experience.

  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me
  (ryanbrad...@hotmail.com<mailto:ryanbrad...@hotmail.com>). Otherwise, tell 
your friends and I hope to =
  see you there!
  Ryan Brady
  Grand View, Bayfield County, WI

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 10:11:07 -0500
  From:    Elijah Parker <m...@elijahparker.com<mailto:m...@elijahparker.com>>
  Subject: Bird walk in Bloomington, Sat 8am

  Hello birders!
  I don't know if this is appropriate for this list or not, so please don't
  hesitate to correct me if not.  My apologies if so!

  My wife and I will lead a simple, short bird walk starting at Moir Park
  (near Old Shakopee & Penn in Bloomington) at 8am this Saturday (5/9), so if
  anyone is interested please email me -- there will be a limit of about 12.
   It will last about 2 hours on the trails following Nine-mile Creek.

  It will be geared more for beginners, but of course anyone is welcome.  A
  good chance to brush up on the basics and get into the spring migration.
   Here are a few of the birds in the last week or so (and I'm hoping for a
  lot more warblers by Saturday):

  White-throated Sparrow
  Chipping Sparrow
  Wood Thrush
  Hermit Thrush
  Blue Jay
  Red-bellied Woodpecker
  Downy Woodpecker
  Hairy Woodpecker
  White-breasted Nuthatch
  Brown Creeper
  Ruby-crowned Kinglet
  Golden-crowned Kinglet
  Yellow-rumped Warbler
  Palm Warbler
  Eastern Phoebe
  Easter Pewee

  Checklists will be provided.



  Elijah & Jackie

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 09:18:41 -0700
  From:    Chad Heins <oduna...@yahoo.com<mailto:oduna...@yahoo.com>>
  Subject: Directions to Cobb River WPA

  Hey birders!

  A number of people requested directions to the Cobb River WPA.  This WPA is 
relatively large (836 acres) and boasts a list of 183 species since I've been 
keeping track (Aug-2006).

  From Mankato take Hwy 22 south to Beauford.  Beauford is where CR10 
intersects with Hwy 22.

  Go east on CR10.

  If you turn south off of CR10 on 586th Avenue (about 1 mile east from Hwy 
22), you will come to the western portion which consists of grasslands and 
wetlands (Bobolinks, Sedge Wrens, American Bitterns, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, 
LeConte's and Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows during migration).  The 
grassland/wetland complex extends east to the Cobb River and the floodplain 
forest at the center of the WPA.  The forest is relatively inaccessible from 
the west side (unless you have good balance and like crossing muddy rivers over 
fallen trees).

  If you turn south off of CR10 on CR16 (a little east from 586th Ave), you 
will come to the eastern portion which consists of wetlands and restored 
tallgrass prairie.  The eastern portion is broken into a couple of pieces which 
maycomplicate my directions a little bit.  

  Two parcels are located on the west side of CR16.  One has a small parking 
lot.  This is the best access point in order to get to the woodland which can 
be spectacular during migration for passerine migration.  Just follow the 
trail(s) and you'll find your way.  The other smaller parcel is north of here 
and was just recently added.  Essentially there is a pig farm and a field 
separating these two.  I haven't explored this parcel much yet and know little 
about its possibilities.

  Another parcel is east of the above parcel and extends from CR16 to Perch 
Lake.  This is where the shorebirding should be spectacular this spring.  This 
has been or will be replanted to prairie by the USFWS.  Right now it is 
wetlands with mud and abandoned soybean fields.  This area can also be accessed 
from 597th Lane which extends north from CR4.  Take CR16 south to CR4 and go 
east.  Where CR52 intersects and goes south, 597th Lane goes north.  This is a 
narrow gravel road and there is no turnaround per se.  It has been very muddy 
this spring.

  Finally, the outlet for Perch Lake was just added to the WPA and this lies at 
the junction of CR16 and CR168.  Both this wetland and the cropland to the 
north and south (of the wetland) are now part of the WPA.  This area is pretty 
good for waterfowl, herons, and shorebirds in fall.  I'm not sure what type of 
restoration will occur here but I'm assuming it will be restored to 
grassland/prairie of some sort.

  Incidently, if you are in the area you should also check out a significant 
CREP area to the northeast.  Take CR168 east from CR16 to its junction with 
CR169.  Before you reach this intersection you will see the lands to the north. 
 The area can be viewed from both CR168 and CR169.  

  Another CREP area can be found by taking CR16 north from CR10 and going west 
about a mile.  This area is normally good for waterfowl, Northern Harrier, and 
Western Meadowlark.

  I hope that this is help to out-of-towners.  If you do visit the WPA, please 
share your sightings with me.  I am tracking bird sightings from this WPA and 
sharing my data with the USFWS to help with management of those lands.  Any 
sightings are valuable.  Thanks!

  Happy birding!

  Chad Heins
  Mankato, MN


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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 12:27:44 -0500
  From:    Craig <cbird55...@q.com<mailto:cbird55...@q.com>>
  Subject: Eagle cam

  I'm not sure if this was posted on here before but, if it was I =
  apologize for the double post.
  Eagle cam which I thought was kind of neat


  Craig Menze

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 10:33:41 -0700
  From:    Roger Schroeder <b...@rohair.com<mailto:b...@rohair.com>>
  Subject: Eurasian Collared-Doves - Lyon County

  New(?) locations for Eurasian Collared-Dove in Lyon County include:

  Tracy, MN (feeder near Morgan and 9th)
  Taunton, MN (West 4th and Lincoln)
  Minneota, MN (7th and N. Monroe)
  Garvin, MN (Polk and 3rd)=20

  Roger Schroeder

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 18:25:35 +0000
  From:    Tom Tustison 
  Subject: Willets Hennpin County

  This morning there was a large flock of 47 Willets flying NW over Lake Calh=


  Tom Tustison

  Hotmail=AE has a new way to see what's up with your friends.

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 11:49:17 -0700
  From:    Michael Hendrickson 
  Subject: FOY Duluth Birds

  Park Pt:
  -Forester's Tern
  -Purple Martin
  * Harlequin Duck  Thanks to Karl Bardon who spotted the duck yesterday and to 
Peder Svingen in letting me know where it was located.  The duck is hanging 
around the boat launch area at the end of Park Point. 
  * Surf Scoter hanging around in the same area in the small bay area with some 

  Indian Pt Campground:
  -Brown Thrasher
  -Rose-breasted Grosbeak
  -Yellow-rumped Warblers
  -Palm Warblers
  -Black & White Warbler
  -Common Yellowthroat
  -Nashville Warbler


  Mike Hendrickson
  Duluth, Minnesota

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 13:55:47 -0500
  From:    Jim Mattsson <matt...@earthlink.net<mailto:matt...@earthlink.net>>
  Subject: 9-sparrow flock, Dakota

  Mid-day today (May 6), a nice mixed sparrow flock feeding at the
  entrance to the Spring Lake RP Archery Range unit on Pine Bend Trail:


  What, no Lincoln's??!

  Also, 12 warbler species.

  Jim Mattsson

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 14:24:08 -0500
  From:    Thomas Maiello <tho...@angelem.com<mailto:tho...@angelem.com>>
  Subject: Maple Grove Eagle Lake birding outings

  I will be going on daily birding walks for the next few weeks along  
  the west and south sides of Eagle Lake just southwest of the  
  intersection of HW 169 and I-694.  Anyone interested in joining me,  
  please contact me via email with times and days you are interested  
  in.  I will get back to you.  I have ID'd over 120 species in these  
  areas in the year and a half I have lived here - with many lifer  
  warblers added to my list.  Photography is usually very good  
  especially in mid-May based on history.  Please contact me if  
  interested.  Mid to late mornings and mid to late afternoons are best  
  so far.  But things change daily.  Can't guarantee a fast email return  
  everytime as I try to be out as much as I can in May.

  No special warblers yet.

  The number of species and especially the number of birds has been  
  increasing over the last three days with, among the usual, many, many  
  Palm Warbler practically walking over my feet, more elusive White  
  Throated Sparrows, a few House Wrens, gobs of butter-butts and a  
  lessening variety of water birds - most lately a raft of Ruddy Ducks  
  hiding in the reeds only to be chased into my view by a goose.  Toss  
  in flickers, Swamp Sparrows, chippers, Song Sparrows in full aria, RC  
  kinglets and simmer with warbler spices and viola!  a viewing feast  
  for royalty (that's us).

  Thomas Maiello
  Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
  Maple Grove, MN

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 14:29:41 -0500
  From:    Bruce Baer 
  Subject: Parking lot sparrows

  BlankThe parking lot at the Old Cedar Avenue bridge had numerous species =
  of sparrows this early morning.


  A Prothonotary Warbler has been on the logs since six-thirty this =
  morning in the pond just west of the parking log on the north side of =
  the trail.  A Cape May Warbler was seen at the Bass Ponds.

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 17:52:12 -0500
  From:    Thomas Maiello <tho...@angelem.com<mailto:tho...@angelem.com>>
  Subject: Maple Grove Eagle Lake

  Along dirt Zachary Lane on west side of lake

  Wilson's Warbler
  Black and White Warbler
  Baltimore Oriole
  Blue Gray Gnatcatcher

  House Wren
  Bald Eagle
  White Throated Sparrows
  Palm Warbler
  Yellow Rumped Warbler
  Swamp Sparrow
  Chipping Sparrow
  Ruddy Duck
  Great White Egret
  Ringnecked Pheasant (scared me half to death taking off when I was a  
  couple of yards away and didn't see it)
  Northern Flicker
  Pileated Woodpecker
  Other residents

  Suspiciously missing
  Thrushes of any kind
  Barred Owl

  Thomas Maiello
  Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
  Maple Grove, MN

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 18:26:29 -0500
  From:    alyssa <tiger...@comcast.net<mailto:tiger...@comcast.net>>
  Subject: Am. Avocets (Hennepin Co.)

  There were 8 American Avocets on the west side of Long Meadow Lake (Bass =
  Ponds in Bloomington) from 4 and up until I left at 5:30.=20

  The FWS has been drawing down Long Meadow Lake for a while, and it is =
  looking awesome for shorebirds. Other shorebird species seen include:

  -150+ Lesser Yellowlegs
  -Greater Yellowlegs
  -Solitary Sandpiper
  -Wilson's Phalarope

  I would not be surprised if there were more species, (I would actually =
  expect it), but the majority of them were on the south side, and the =
  heat waves didn't help much. Nonetheless, it's a good idea to keep an =
  eye on it.

  Strangely, there were only 3 warbler species (didn't relocate Bruce =
  Baer's Cape May.) There were 6 species of dabbling ducks as well. Other =
  FOYs include Warbling Vireo, Great-crested Flycatcher, Baltimore Oriole, =
  and Gray Catbird. A Barred Owl started calling to the north of the =
  parking lot as I was leaving. And of course, all other expected species =
  were seen.

  On a belated note, apparently a Yellow-headed Blackbird was seen at the =
  MVR Visitor Center feeder (Bloomington) on May 2nd. I didn't see any =
  while I was at Bass Ponds though. But I hear they are somewhat numerous =
  at the Rapids Lake NWR Visitor Center (in Carver, Carver Co.)

  Good birding!

  Alyssa DeRubeis
  Golden Valley, Hennepin Co.

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 19:03:44 -0500
  From:    Donald Jones <dl7jo...@gmail.com<mailto:dl7jo...@gmail.com>>
  Subject: south minneapolis song birds

  Seen today (5/6/09) in the 3500 block of 34th ave s;

  Cedar Waxwings (at least 50 enjoying the left over hackberries)
  Yellow-rumped Warbler (at least a dozen)
  White throated Sparrow
  Chipping Sparrow
  American Goldfinch
  House Finch
  Half a million house sparrows

  Yesterday I requested info on getting rid of House Sparrows. Thank you  
  to everyone who replied. The result was a near even mix of trapping  
  and euthanizing them and finding non-lethal ways of chasing them away.  
  The non-lethal responses were; getting a decoy owl, put out food that  
  they won't or can't eat and making them as unwelcome as possible. One  
  person suggested I put decoy food out away from the "good" stuff in  
  another part of my yard. I have not made up my mind yet on the best  
  solution so for now I will continue to remove their nests and chase  
  them off.


  Donnie Jones

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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 20:33:51 -0500
  From:    Jim Ryan <muchmore...@gmail.com<mailto:muchmore...@gmail.com>>
  Subject: Lake Byllesby spring refill planned

  From the Dakota County Parks website:

   The annual refill of Lake Byllesby reservoir to the summer elevation is
  planned to begin on Thursday, *May 15 **or as soon after river flow
  conditions will allow.*

  In the fall, the reservoir level is lowered three feet to 853.7 feet, and
  remains there until May 15 when refilling to the summer elevation of 856.7
  feet is permitted to start. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
  (DNR) sets these levels, and according to a study, the winter drawdown
  lowers adjacent groundwater levels, which accommodates local agricultural

  For more info, go here:


  Jim Ryan
  651-308-0234 business cell

  Your life is what your thoughts make it. - Marcus Aurelius


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  Date:    Wed, 6 May 2009 22:58:10 -0500
  From:    Steve Weston <swest...@comcast.net<mailto:swest...@comcast.net>>
  Subject: About the Metro

  On Monday night when I drove up to the house on Quiggley Lake, I was =
  greeted by dueling Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers.  One was on my neighbor's =
  house banging on the metal cover for his chimney.  The other was on the =
  other side of the house, probably on a dead limb.  After a while, the =
  one on the chimney cover moved down to one of my wood duck houses =
  (probably occupied by a some eggs, but not yet a hen), and the one on =
  the other side of the house moved up to the chimney cover.

  Tonight I grabbed my binocs when I heard a Nashville Warbler singing.  I =
  could not find it as it headed deeper into the woods.  A Mallard hen was =
  out with her seven new ducklings, and a Canada Goose was still on her =
  nest, but five gooslings were scurring about her.  Other first were =
  Chimney Swifts and copes gray treefrogs.  Dandalions are popping up in =
  the yard, along with strawberries and violets.   Mostly I am noticing a =
  small white violets and very few of the larger purple and violet colored =

  Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN

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  End of MOU-NET Digest - 5 May 2009 to 6 May 2009 (#2009-108)

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