This is a second hand report of a Summer Tanager that was seen a few days ago 
in a yard just off of WI Hwy 35, 4 or 5 miles south of Prescott, WI (across the 
Mississippi River from Hastings, MN).  The bird was photographed and appeared 
to be a 1st spring male.  Several photos were brought to the Freedom Park/Great 
River Road Learning Center in Prescott for help with the ID.  Maureen Ottwell, 
the Director of the GRRLC, saw the photos and ID'd the bird using both Sibley 
and National Geographic field guides.  I did not personally see the photos or 
talk to the person who took the photos; and, neither Maureen nor I know the 
name or exact address of the person who saw and photographed the bird.  So, 
this is just a heads-up to be on the lookout for this bird in the 
Prescott/Diamond Bluff/Hastings etc. areas.

Judith Sparrow
Prescott, WI

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