Took my annual four day birding vacation Wednesday through Saturday (184 species, 46 year birds, 5 county birds, 3 state birds), here are selected highlights:

* Saturday, May 16th, MOU Sherburne trip, three locations in Sherburne Refuge, Mille Lacs Lake and Kathio State Park - 110 species, 21 warblers (Bay-breasted, Blackburnian and Cape May in the conifers were show-stoppers; Blackpolls everywhere), all swallows, all terns that are regularly here (good looks at differences between Forster's and Common), numerous electrifying tanagers - 21 in attendance on a windy & cold day. List to follow.

* Friday, May 15th, greater Twin Cities stops including Byllesby - only 84 species but enjoyed Black-throated Blue (Veteran's Park) and Prothonotary (Ft. Snelling) - missed Ruff, Worm-eating and Hooded.

* Thursday, May 14th, 169 Corridor Big Day, Sherburne Refuge north to Aitkin 18 - 126 species, 20 warblers, Whip-poor-will, Philadelphia Vireo, 12 sparrows - cold & windy!

* Wednesday, May 13th, Lac Qui Parle with Bill Unzen (excellent guide!) - 116 species, 23 shorebirds including both godwits & dowitchers & two avocets, Snowy Egret, Great-tailed Grackle (Arnold Schwartagrackle), possible Bullock's Oriole or hybrid (although haven't found hybrid yet that looked like that bird, well described in Nate's post), Nate and Bill had female Spotted Towhee. Winds reached 50 mph.

This morning had a Connecticut at Milaca Hiking Trails. Nate had 3 Whimbrels, Red-throated Loon, Connecticut and a Glaucous Gull on his trip yesterday afternoon to Duluth & Two Harbors.

Great week!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
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