Pastor Al
First let me say that I enjoy your postings. I want to mention a somewhat different experience that I have had on MOU-NET. A few years ago I had just begun birding and joined MOU. That first year I posted an observation of a really unusual bird - not knowing that it was all that unusual. At least one experienced birder went on a "wild bird chase' because of my post. I think I even used the word "unmistakable" in my identification. Really naive!.

I had recorded some audio and the correct id was made with the help of several others birders on MOU-NET who were kind enough to listen.

Never did I hear any criticism of my mistake. Maybe they realized I was a rookie. The lesson I learned was never say "unmistakable" and post pics if you are not sure.

The point is, my experience was more like the way it should be. I learn more from mistakes than from the easy id's.
I'll never mistake a rufous sided towhee for a lark bunting again.

Larry Sirvio
Cottage Grove

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pastor Al Schirmacher" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:52 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Potential First State Record Won't Be Shared

Yesterday I spoke with a birder who had a unique sighting. This birder took substantial notes and is relatively certain about the bird they saw.

However, the sighting will not be shared.

It won't be documented because it would constitute a first state record and the perception is, without photos, it would never be accepted.

It won't be posted to the net because the perception is that people will judge and negatively verbalize about the sighting.

Over the last week I've been together with 30+ birders on my birding vacation and the MOU field trip. Discussion item #1 was, of course, birds seen & heard. Discussion item #2 - on multiple occasions (I initiated none of these discussions, many times simply listened) - was the perception that the MN birding community is often not friendly, and that posting unusual birds was a very risky proposition. A couple of birders mentioned that they've only posted once and never would again. There is also a perception of elitism and an "old boys club", that only "name" birders records are accepted, formally and informally.


I'm not saying each of these accusations are true. In one sense it really doesn't matter whether the unfriendliness is perception or reality, whether it's a majority or minority or even a very few birders. The perception is driving behavior. And the behavior is not sharing sightings, which impacts us all.

The perception needs to be changed. Minnesota birders, on and off MOU, need to be perceived as and/or become friendly, helpful, welcoming. Newbies need to be encouraged, publicly and privately. Back channel emails need to be thought through carefully. Comments in the field need to show restraint.

I know it can happen, having come from a state where the organization & listserv were generally perceived positively.

By the way, I am not the birder involved, just concerned about the impact (you know me, I share and let chips fall where they may). And I am extremely thankful for all who have shared and do share - both in MOU and outside - there are many excellent, friendly birders in this state!

Good birding to all.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties

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