Minnesota Birders and Al:

Can someone inform who are these "good ol birdin guys" or these "elite birders" 
that prevent other birders from not wanting to share bird sightings or first 
state records to the listserv?  Who are these guys????

I been involve in many Minnesota birding groups since I was in high school and 
I have to say that the Minnesota birding community is not a bunch of mean 
birders.  Yes we have debates on the listservs and yes there are people that do 
not get along but what state do not have these issues?  Wisconsin is no 
different than Minnesota when it comes to issues and flames on the listserv. 
Just a few weeks ago Wisconsin birders were blasting some guy who was upset 
that a certain well known digiscoper was posting links to his photos.

Every listserv from time to time has lively debates and some can get ugly and 
usually the moderator steps in to stop it.  

Also I never heard that MOURC only accepts photos for first state records.  
There is no rule to first state records except take good notes, attempt a 
drawing and if you have a camera, try to get a photo.  

Also I been guiding or leading field trips for a long time and I have a 
cardinal rule that leaders should not start up political topics nor should 
leaders get involve in political topics.  Leaders of bird trips should be out 
looking for birds by sight and sound. They are to get people on to birds and 
inform people on identification marks of the birds they are viewing.  Since 
this trip that Al led was a MOU sponsor trip, I have to wonder if asking these 
questions like "so what do you all think of MOURC?" or " so what do you all 
think of the Minnesota birding community" and " ol those good ol boys in the 
birding community really upset me, what do you all think about these "good ol 
guys" or elites?"  Was this a birding trip last weekend or a gripe session?

I still want to know who the birding elites are in Minnesota?  Is it bad to be 
labled a "elite birder" and also who are these "good ol boys" in the Minnesota 
birding community because I been hearing about these guys for sometime and I 
never met them in all my years birding in Minnesota. 

About the this first state potential first state record -- well it will not be 
the last bird that was seen by someone that goes unpublished or not reviewed by 
MOURC and I am sure large states like Texas and California have their fair 
share of bird sightings that do not get reviewed by thier own state record 
committees.  Yes I remember my first record I submitted to MOURC back in 1983 
or so and it was nerve racking process at first but I did my best to write it 
up the sighting and submit it to MOURC.  Yes it was approved but then again I 
had 2 records rejected in the past as well and you know what? I still sleep at 
night and the rejections do not bother me at all, even to this day!!  Even the 
people who sit on MOURC had their records rejected one time or another and I am 
sure they do not carry a grudge against those who rejected their sighting.  It 
happens and you got to have thick skin about the voting process.  

YES there are probably some records birders submitted to MOURC that were 
rejected that may of been a correct sighting but your rare bird sighting is as 
only good as your notes, sketch or clarity of the photo. Everyone is equal in 
the record process and also this notion that only bird records accepted are 
only by birders who are close friends to those who sit on the records committee 
is not correct and that is just a bunch of crap!!  Everyone had a sighting 
rejected at one time or another.

Minnesota birding community is a great birding community and like I said every 
state has thier issues.  I guide people from other states and they told me how 
much they love Minnesota and the birders they met.  These visitors are even 
impressed on how nice we are about sharing bird sightings and they are equally 
impressed on how other bird guides call each other on their cell phones to 
share bird information with each other!!  You do not see bird guides in Arizona 
sharing bird sightings with other bird guides!!

So all in all Minnesota is a GREAT birding community and also has a GREAT bird 
organization == the MOU!  

Good birding

Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net

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