There was one beautiful female Red-necked Phalarope "spinning" near the blind 
at Purgatory Creek (Eden Prairie.) Shorebird variety has picked up since I 
visited last Friday, although not by a lot. Other shorebirds seen:

-Least Sandpiper (~25)
-Semipalmated Sandpiper (10)
-Semipalmated Plover (1)
-Dowitcher sp. (3)
-Spotted Sandpiper (12)
-Killdeer (few)

Also seen were 3 dabbling duck species, 5 Forester's Terns (inc. one in 
non-breeding plumage), ~150 Caspian Terns, the same 2 Am. White Pelicans, and a 
singing Willow Flycatcher.

Good birding!

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley, Hennepin Co.

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