Went to a demo bird banding session at Minneopa S.P. Group Campground
on Saturday. Dr. Merrill Frydendall, the bander, told me he had heard the
Kentucky Warbler last week, so I went with my sons, Alexander and Jesse
Ellis this morning and found him singing his heart out while foraging just
over the path a little further back in the woods from where he was two years
ago when I last went looking. Take the path towards the classroom building
but go right on the south loop of the ? trail. He was about 30 yards past an
area that had been cleared of buckthorn. (Is this the 7th year???)     We
also heard/saw 8-10 E. Towhees at Minneopa, heard several Blackpolls, heard
and saw a Blackburnian, several Nashvilles and Tennessees, Ovenbirds, and
also had Yellows and Yellowthroats. Heard a BBCuckoo near the Group Camp.
Did NOT locate any Bell's Vireos but we kind of ran out of time. My mother's
90th was lots of fun!
     John Ellis-St. Paul

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