Responding to requests for *reliable* locations for a few species. These
are easy locations to search for some of the species that are typically
sought after by County Listers.

Least Bittern & American Bittern:
Black Rush Lake. From MN Hwy 23 go 1 mile south of the Camden SP
entrance, then turn East 1 mile on Lyon CR 59. Walk the Min. Maint. road
South between the two halves of the wetland area.

Eurasian Collared-Dove:
Taunton, MN. Near the intersection of 4th and Lincoln

Yellow-throated Vireo:
Camden SP along the river trail by the South Picnic area and Group Camp

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher:
Same as above, and trails by the Horse Camp

Western Kingbird: 
Intersection of 250th St and 120th Ave. From Hwy 19 West of Marshall, go
South on Lyon CR 13 for 2 miles, the 2 miles West on 250th Ave.

Lark Sparrow:
Lynd, MN - Savannah Oaks Golf Course area. Sometimes along the roadside
of Savannah Heights Blvd. Sometimes on the rock piles of Marshall Sand
and Gravel, sometimes in the scrubby area by the pond to the South of
the golf course.

Orchard Oriole: 
Dwire WMA (south of Black Rush Lake). From the town of Russell on MN Hwy
23, turn East on CR 2 for 2.5 miles, then North on 200th Ave for .75

Roger Schroeder

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