I tried to leave Little Falls at 10:30 to see the Lazuli but a sore leg (knee 
surgery) and rain caused me to turn around ( I did promise my wife I wouldn't 
do anything stupid after my surgery, but, it was a rare bird). Not to be beaten 
I called Milt Blomberg and he picked me up after his teaching day and we left 
Little Falls at 3:45. We arrived at Alma's house at 5:45 and we were informed 
the bird left 15 min. earlier. We hung around for 80 minutes and picked up 23 
species from her yard. We were getting a little nervous thinking maybe the 
bird wasn't coming back, but, then she came in. The female Lazuli looked a 
little beat up with some feathers sticking up on it's crown. We didn't see the 
male and maybe he was worse off than the female and may not show again. 
The last 3 times Milt and I ran on a rare bird we came up empty. Just shows 
you can't keep good birders down. Alma was a very good host and we give a 
special thanks to her for letting us visit her home and sit there for as long 
we did.

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