There were 4 occupied Red-necked Grebe nests on Assumption Lake in Carver 
County this morning and possibly a 5th.   While I was watching, the adults on 2 
of the nests traded places.   One of the pairs made their call as they were 
switching.  There were no other Grebe species on the lake, but there were some 
American White Pelican, Ruddy Duck, Blue-winged Teal, and a Wood Duck family.  
In the reeds surrounding the lake were Red-winged, Yellow-headed Blackbird and 
Marsh Wren.

At Rapids Lake NWR, I was close but unable to find an Eastern Meadowlark nest, 
as the Meadowlark pair were quite agitated by my presence.   I'm open to any 
advice at finding sparrow nests, particularly Vesper, Lark, and Grasshopper.    
There is 1 spot where there is almost always a Vesper Sparrow at Rapids Lake.   
 I'm just not sure how large of an area I should check for a nest site.

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