Male Cerulean Warbler (good looks & listens, only singing first three notes of song), Blue Hill Trail, Sherburne NWR - on the trail that actually leads up the hill, about 10-15 minutes in along the western fork of the entry trail.

Heard a number of Golden-crowned Kinglets in the coniferous section of the trail, continuing a long trend of over-summering (nesting?).

Two Red-headed Woodpeckers, one on the trail, one flying back & forth to the pole on the intersection of CR 9 & 42.

No Golden-winged or Blue-winged seen or heard on the trail, seem to be only present on Mahnomen Trail and the Auto Tour this year, perhaps due to late burn?

Good birding to all.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties
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