On the off-chance that certain Good Samaritans are also birders on
these list-serves, I need to offer public thanks to the cyclists and
pedestrian (I think) who helped me rescue a young peregrine falcon
beneath the High Bridge in St. Paul last evening. The bird having
stranded herself on that piling in the river made it nerve-wracking to
ponder the possible outcomes, and I'm grateful you stuck with me on
strategy. It could not have been done without your assistance.
Mark Duchowski (please forgive me the butchering of your last name), I
hope you received the phone message that tells you how to inquire
about the bird's status.

If you are not one of these good folk, please excuse this post. Just
be grateful there are wonderful citizens out there who may not be
birders per se, but care about their fellow creatures, regardless.
Linda Whyte

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