Volunteers throughout the state are needed for Audubon Minnesota’s Chimney
Swift Sit - Part II.   Participants watch for about an hour at dusk any day
September 11-13, 2009 counting swifts as they enter a nighttime roosting
place.   You can count on one night or on several nights during this
designated period.

With the cooler weather of late many of you that participated in Part I of
the Sit during August 7-9, and we thank you that, you will note an
absence/shift in chimney swift usage of the various sites. Some are no
longer being used by the swifts as they have gathered at larger communal
roost and some of the chimneys/smoke stacks will have more as they prepare
for migration.  Negative reports on the chimneys that were used in the
August Sit will be most useful as well.

For more information about the Sit and to download the participation forms
go to http://mn.audubon.org/events/714

 If you cannot participate in the Sit but know places where Chimney Swifts
might be roosting, please contact Ron Windingstad at

The information collected on this first annual event will be posted towards
the end of September on http://mn.audubon.org.

Claudia Egelhoff
Minneapolis, MN

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