Thanks to the coaching of Mike Hendrickson, yesterday we were successful in seeing a flock of 15 Bohemian Waxwings across the street from 4143 West Tischer Road (hiway 69)(near Howard Gnesen RD, Hiway 34)in north Duluth. . Life bird for both of us. We were there at noon on Saturday the 16th. The sun was out, it was great.

We then headed for Sax-Zim and, on the way, out in the open on Highway 7, between Birch and Payne, just north of Hiway 133, 100 yds south of mailbox # 7857, great views of a cooperative Northern Hawk Owl perched up in the east side of the road. This was at 12:40 pm also on Saturday, the 16th.

We were disappointed in not seeing Pine grosbeaks at the Blue Spruce Feeders but we had great views in beautiful light of a boreal chickadee and gray jays at the Admiral Road feeders.

Our most curious find was a mature bald eagle perched in the middle of a field in the snow- just sitting thre looking around, no water nearby on hiway 29 in Meadowlands.

Marilyn and Warren Regelmann

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