Lake Byllesby-

Dunlin 3
Had some good birds for me this morning.

Lake Byllesby-

Dunlin 3
Least sp
Semi Palmated pl and sp
Black Tern
Many Am. Pipits
Plus Franklin's Gull, Forster's and Caspian Terns, several Am. White Pelicans
More types of peeps were present-  just not sure of ID.

Miesville Ravine-

Cerulean Warbler -  Close and lengthy looks in the SUN.  Wish I had a camera. 
Bird was about 1/3 mi. down Trout Brook Trail.
Tons of Redstarts and Yellows

Spring Lake Park Reserve- Archery Range Parking Lot-

Lark Sparrow - handsome bird
Tons of Redstarts

Steve Morrison

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