My wife, Jan , and I were having brunch this morning at  Running Aces 
harness racing track near Forest Lake. The track is a big dirt and  gravel oval 
which surrounds a grass and marsh area. We have observed egrets,  herons and 
other waterfowl there while dining on several occasions. This  morning, Jan 
asked me what was coming out of the grass and onto the track. I  looked at 
where she directed me an saw a pair of sandhill cranes followed by 2  very 
small colts walking onto the dirt track They must have nested in the area  
surrounded by the track. The parents walked up to the fence enclosure on  the 
outside perimeter and then returned to the grassy area and followed it  
around the edge in front of the restaurant showing off their offspring to the  
Peter Erickson
Ramsey County

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