Just finished a Pine County big day. Paul Egeland, Esther Gesick, and Don 
Kienholz did a Pine County big day today. We had 127 species not too bad, but 
still off from the record of 146 (Hertzel and Hertzel) I believe.


Highlights included a singing Blue-winged Warbler at the St Croix Marshland 
visitors Center on Hwy 70 just east of the St Croix River. The bird was about 
50 yards north of the parking lot on a hiking trail in some oak trees. 
Golden-winged warblers were everywhere. We heard them at almost every stop in 
suitable habitat. One Trumpeter Swan at the marsh/pond on the Chatangawama (sp) 
forest road and a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. (see Kim Eckert's Book). Also had 4 
species of regular terns at the Pine City sewage ponds as well as Ruddy Duck, 
Redheads, Sanderling, Dowitcher sp, Greater Yellowlegs, Baird's SP, Wilson's 
Ph, and a fly by Red-headed Woodpecker. One can view the 2 of the 3 ponds from 
outside the fence on the East side of pond off of Hwy 55. 


Noteable misses included Black-throated Green Warbler, Broad-winged hawk or any 


Did not make it to the real "boggy" Nickerson stuff during appropriate hours 
for the goodies there. 



Don Kienholz
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