There was a little more variety at Carver Park this morning with Willow and 
Alder flycatchers arriving(7 flycatcher species total).   Some totals today

~125 Double-crested Cormorant-several flocks migrating north
7 Green Heron-I believe these were arriving this morning. 3 flew low
over the tamarack bog from the southeast. Another 4 were circling the nature 
parking area landing briefly in the trees next to the nature center
2 Turkey Vultures eating roadkill
3 Alder and 2 Willow Flycatcher
1 Veery
2 Blue-winged, 10 Tennessee, 1 Magnolia(female), 1 Cape May(female), 2 
Black-throated Green, 1 Blackpoll, 1 Cerulean, 2 Mourning, Yellow Warbler, 
American Redstart(a little overly abundant so probably some migrants along with 
residents), and Common Yellowthroat

None of the warblers were in waves.  Pretty much all the non-residents were to 
themselves and found near either Redstarts or Yellow Warbler.  The Cerulean 
Warbler was near its normal territory but not quite in its usual spot.  
Yesterday at Rapids Lake the only migrant warblers I found were a few Tennessee 
Warbler, a male Magnolia Warbler, and a beautiful male Cerulean Warbler(likely 
a migrant).   This is the first time(for sure) I've seen a Cerulean at Rapids 
Lake(seen them at Louisville Swamp across the river).   2 falls ago I thought a 
caught a brief look of a juvenile at Rapids Lake but I wasn't confident enough 
to count it.      The Cerulean yesterday was briefly low in the oaks near the 
visitors center giving me a good look at his breast band.  I last heard him in 
the oaks closer to the farm house along the river.

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