Now that's a birding post!

Chris Elmgren via iVagrant

On Jul 27, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Karl Bardon <> wrote:

> Significant southbound migration is already occurring on the North Shore of 
> Lake 
> Superior in Minnesota- flocks of Red-winged Blackbirds, Cedar Waxwings, Great 
> Blue Herons, Bank Swallows, Purple Finches, Evening Grosbeaks, etc. have been 
> moving down the shore for over a week.
> Today, while birding Minnesota Point and Wisconsin Point in Duluth-Superior, 
> a 
> surprising number of warblers were seen for this early date, with 214 
> individuals of 15 species observed, most of which were presumably migrants, 
> often occurring in swarms of 5-12 or more birds in just a few trees. Although 
> a 
> few warblers move south in late July every year, especially Nashvilles and 
> Tennessees, this magnitude of migration is many weeks ahead of schedule. The 
> more common species appeared to be represented by a mix of both juveniles and 
> heavily molting adults, with many fun plumages observed.
> Golden-winged Warbler: 12
> Tennessee Warbler: 14
> Nashville Warbler: 54
> Northern Parula: 7
> Yellow Warbler: 28
> Chestnut-sided Warbler: 1
> Cape May Warbler: 4
> Yellow-rumped Warbler: 17
> Palm Warbler: 2
> Black-and-white Warbler: 24
> American Redstart: 35
> Ovenbird: 5
> Mourning Warbler: 3
> Common Yellowthroat: 7
> Canada Warbler: 1
> other  birds of note:
> Red-breasted Nuthatch: 10
> Rose-breasted Grosbeak: 11
> Baltimore Oriole: 22
> Scarlet Tanager: 4
> Bonaparte's Gull: 3 at Wisconsin Point, presumably early migrants
> Northern Harrier: juvenile over Minnesota Point, no doubt a migrant
> Yellow-throated Vireo: one on Minnesota Point near the Superior Entry, rare 
> in 
> Northeastern MN
> ----
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