Spent a remarkable day with Peder Svingen, Joel Claus and Robbeye Johnson at 
first parking lot at Wisconsin Point. I arrived around 10:30am and stayed until 

We observed the adult Long-tailed Jaeger numerous times chasing Ring-billed 
Gulls and even Herring Gulls!  We were able to take numerous photo as they 
jaeger zipped by us several times chasing up the gull off the beach or gulls 
loafing out in front of us.  We also observed a juvenile Pomarine Jaeger ( 
probably one of Karl Bardon's birds he found yesterday ) and a sub adult 
Parasitic Jaeger.  At times the Pomarine Jaeger was chasing the Parasitic 
or the Long-tailed Jaeger.  So we were able to take in all the field marks of 
each species with having all three species chasing each other and also compared 
them with the gulls they chased.

Other highlights:  

        * Red-throated Loon
        * Long-tailed Ducks
        * good numbers of Northern PintailsI posted all my photos of the 
jaegers on my 
blog:  http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

Have a great day and I am sure others will be posting locations to view their 
photos. Also keep an eye on the MOU show case in recently seen section as I am 
sure people will be posting their photos.


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Website: http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/
Blog: http://colderbythelakebirding.blogspot.com/

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