Pacific Loon, White-winged Scoter, and 3 Long-tailed Ducks can be added to the 
list of unusual species at Wisconsin Point today. They were seen on both sides 
of the state line at the Superior Entry. A second Western Grebe was on the 
Wisconsin side.

"Henri Cochon, Duluth MN" <> wrote:

>The sub-adult Long-tailed Jaeger has been seen all morning from parking lot #1 
>at the base of Wisconsin Point. Shortly after noon, Jim Lind and I saw a 
>juvenile Pomarine and a sub-adult Parasitic. All 3 species were 
>well-photographed again today. A Red-throated Loon, Franklin's Gull, Thayer's 
>Gull, and 3 Black Scoters have also been seen.
>Peder Svingen

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