I read the postings about what to do as a birder when winter comes. My 11
year old daughter and I went out to the N.E. corner of Morrison County on
Sunday. The snow hung onto the trees as we drove down minimum service roads
and my daughter responded by saying:  "It looks like Narnia". It was
beautiful and we found many birds (41 species). Winter is one of my favorite
times to bird because all the birds become special. We found a lone Western
Meadowlark (nice contrast with the snow), Coopers Hawk, Kestrals, Red Tailed
Hawks, Eagles,  Rough Legged Hawks, and a few Harriers. We came across small
flocks of Snow Buntings, Tree Sparrows and a few Lapland Longspurs. There
were also many Juncos, Blue Jays, Chickadees,and a good showing of
woodpeckers (Pileated, Downy, Hairy). Found a lone Raven, a few Grouse, and
relocated a White Winged Scoter. Also, we spied upon a few waterfowl ( and
some Beaver) as we looked across Lakes we haven't seen before. The Northern
Shrikes were also back along with the Red Breasted Nuthatches and it was
easier to find Owls with the nice white backdrop. Good time of the year just
to explore new areas, enjoy the nice views, and find those rare Gems. I
loved the way my daughters eyes lit up at each new experience. I'm looking
forward to winter and the times my children and I will have.

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