Crosby Park had at least 3 different raptor species present this
afternoon. Overhead there were aerial displays by Bald Eagles, 2
adults and 2 immatures.  In the woods by the backwater (east end), a
Sharp-shinned Hawk was hunting. A second hawk appeared at the river's
edge by the 35 E bridge, Red-tailed size but overall very dark on the
uppers, with a seemingly light underbelly.

I made no search for either the Barred Owls or Great-horned owls that
frequent the conifers. Instead I checked on the new nest on the main
lake, which I was convinced might be occupied by the Great-horned
Surprise! One of the mature eagles flew to the nest with loud calls,
and settled itself right in.
Birds are so humbling.

On the way up Elway to the car, came a familiar, and welcome song:
Red-winged Blackbirds were gathering beside the apartment complex on
Shepard Road. Spring has sprung.
Linda Whyte

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