
Don't know (and not an anthropomorphist (!), but the tree is along Lake
Drive/Hwy 23 very near to my house. They were there when I left to take son
to school this AM, and there when I came back, so I went to get camera. They
were still there, but even tho my camera has a nice zoom feature they are
still pretty small. They were at the top of a very large cottonwood. Both
are full adults. Their heads were so bright in the early sun! The tree is
nice and tall and might have several spots to build... But I would have
thought that they'd be almost done building by now, and I wouldn't like to
think they like a spot right on this quite busy road... There are a couple
of established nests in the area, but I'm going to be watching for
construction activities now...

Holly Peirson
Columbus, SE Anoka Co.

PS: Cranes, Eagles, Owls, Geese, Ducks, Red-winged Blackbirds, Killdeer,
Red-tailed Hawks, Robins by the yard-full, all have been seen and heard this
week nearby! Saw a Turkey Vulture down by U last week, flying over Hwy
36/I-35 intersection.

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