Thanks for the update. Ospreys are also back in their tower nest in Victoria at 
the Lowry Nature Center. I saw the pair there on Monday night and took some 
pictures. I imagine the pair will be building up their nest. 
Fr. Paul

-----Original Message-----
From: Minnesota Birds [mailto:MOU-NET@LISTS.UMN.EDU] On Behalf Of Diane 
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:24 AM
Subject: [mou-net] Osprey

Osprey are slowly returning.  The returning pair is back at the Mississippi 
Island station and have gotten down to work of mating.  I saw an osprey at 
the Hyland Lake nest.  The Twin Cities Osprey Project would appreciate a 
report of any sightings of osprey.  Please report any sightings osprey, 
including when and where it was seen and what it appeared to be doing 
(carrying nesting material, flying, perching, etc).   The email for reports is  

Also, in the Star Tribune today there is an article about the nest that was on 
a light pole on 169/62 freeway light.  Any reports about osprey seen in the  
extended area would be appreciated.  It's speculated they may find a cell 
phone tower or another tall man made structure to nest on.  Please email any 
reports to 3 Rivers Park.  There is a pole down the road on 169 near Valley 
View Road which hosts an established pair.

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