We had 28 species, many common already, but we had 4 foy birds that we've been 
looking for. Kirsten saw one species, E. Bluebird, that I didn't see. It was on 
Jackson W., a place we have never seen an E. Bluebird befoere.

Tree Swallows - foy - on Jackson W., at least 16.
 Purple Martin, - foy, Warsaw, west side of Farwell. Many P. M. houses. Lane 
Johnson is the name of the householder whose house they are at. We saw 2 males 
and 1 female on the houses or flying.

Sandhill Crane - foy - flying over marsh west of Morristown, south of Hwy. 60, 
on  LeRoy,  just opposite Co. 99, on right. First time we have ever seen a 
Sandhill Crane in this area.

Blue-winged Teal- foy- S. of Morristown on Co. 16, east on  260th Street E., on 
north side of road. 

Rev. Forest V. and Kirsten Strnad 
Faribault., Mn.

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