Please Report Color-flagged Hudsonian Godwits and Whimbrels

Since 2007, we have attached uniquely numbered/lettered, red color-flags to
790 Godwits and 355 Whimbrels on Chiloé Island, Chile.  Godwits or
Whimbrels have also been flagged in Alaska, Argentina, Chile, Colombia,
Manitoba, and Virginia.  If you see any of these flagged birds, please
submit your observations to  On this site, there are
instructions on how to read and report color-flagged birds, and you can
click on “Report Resighting” to enter your observations.  By using this
site, to report one of our flagged godwits or Whimbrels, you will
immediately know where and when it was banded.

Banding projects to study migratory shorebirds that make epic hemispheric
journeys have been underway since the mid 1990’s. In recent years, the
birds have been tagged with engraved markers allowing identification of
individuals with spotting scopes. The combination of banding and resighting
data allows greater understanding of the habitat uses and needs by
imperiled species. With this understanding comes the hope of achieving the
protective actions required to halt, and even reverse, the population
decline exhibited by many shorebird species.

For more information on the Hudsonian Godwit and Whimbrel project in Chile,
contact Brad Andres (; 303-275-2324) or Jim Johnson
(; 907-786-3423).

Thanks in advance for the assistance.  Brad Andres, National Shorebird
Coordinator, USFWS

Marked Hudsonian Godwits have already been reported in SD and Whimbrels in
N FL the past week.

Posted by Robert P. Russell
Division of Migratory Birds
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ft. Snelling, MN 55111-4056

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