I was in Lakeville this evening, so I took a quick spin over to the area around Vermillion. The highlight was a 180th Street marsh packed with birds. With ducks flying over constantly, blackbirds singing from the reedbeds, and a cacophony of birds all around, I was able to see or hear the following shorebirds as the light fell. They all appeared to be settling in for the night.

24 Willet (tough to get an accurate count in the low light)
10 Lesser Yellowlegs
2 Greater Yellowlegs
1 Snipe
1 Wilson's Phalarope
1 Solitary Sandpiper

Ducks were abundant, with large numbers of Blue-winged Teal, Ring-necked Duck, and Mallard, and smaller numbers of Shoveler and Lesser Scaup. Loads of coots as well, and calling Pied-billed Grebe. Over the din of the Red-winged Blackbirds, I could hear a number of Yellow-headed Blackbirds singing, but couldn't see any of them.

I was amazed by how active the marsh was, and wished I had more light and time to look over the birds. The habitat there right now is fantastic, and a daytime visit with a scope would probably yield greater diversity.

Good birding,
Matt Dufort

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