My neighborhood trees are greened out ... the mature red oaks, silver
maples, Green Ash, White and Pitch Pines attracted many waves of
passerines today that I saw by noon. 

The first wave at 7 am was the best I saw, here is what I tallied:

1.       Yellow-rumped Warbler (10+), flycatching, singing (4), staying
to lower canopy mostly, but also down to ground

2.       Magnolia Warbler (4), all male, 2 singing, stayed in mid canopy
- mostly the pines, bathing in my waterfall

3.       Bay-breasted Warbler (1), male, singing in White Pines

4.       Blackburnian Warbler (1), male, foraging high in Ash trees,
call notes

5.       American Redstart (5), 3 male, 2 female, calling and males
singing, with flashy flycatching forays

6.       Chestnut-side Warbler (2), male, singing and foraging

7.       Yellow Warbler (2), males (singing) foraging mid canopy

8.       Blue-winged Warbler (1), sex unknown, silently foraging high in
red oaks

9.       Golden-winged Warbler (3), all males, 2 seen singing, may have
been more - their song was the commonest one heard today

10.   Tennessee Warbler (2), males, heard singing in Silver Maple

11.   Black and White Warbler, (1), adult male, silently nuthatch-like
foraging along red oak trunk and main branches

12.   Northern Waterthrush (1), male singing and foraging near brush

13.   Palm Warbler (2), lower canopy and ground foraging


1.       Blue Headed , softly singing

2.       Yellow Throated, loudly singing

3.       Warbling, silent

4.       Red-eyed, flying through with scolding calls




Mark Alt 
Brooklyn Center, MN 
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 


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