A cool windy gray morning greeted 6 determined birders at westwood nature
center this AM.67 species seen were 20 warblers including,
blackburnian, blkthroated green,goldenwinged,magnolia,mourning,chesnut
side,palm,yellow,common yellowthroat,wilson,b&w,tennesee
nashville,ylwrumped,gazillion blackpolls,am redstarts every
where,ovenbird,n. waterthrush, and bay brested .Warbling yellowthroated
other highlight were Cliff swallows building nests! tree and barn
swallows,chimney swifts.also a,red tailed hawk peering at us from his perch
12 feet above our heads.also peregrine falcon see by one of our birders.
great crested flycathcher, least flycatcher and phoebe were seen also. Hope
to see you all next thursday weather permitting!!

                                                              Vic Lewis,
SpringMigrant from  Scottsdale Az

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