This morning at Carver Park there was an adult Ferruginous Hawk that landed on 
a tree along a horse trail that runs east/west from the dirt road north of King 
Blind all the way to Grimm Rd.   The Ferruginous landed about a mile west of 
the King Blind road.  He stayed briefly and then flew NW towards cty. rd. 11.   
There was also an adult Golden Eagle that flew low nearby, and 2 possible 
Golden Eagles on the ground on of a burned area south of Cty. Rd. 11 that I saw 
at 45 mph with a car behind me.   This area is just west of the turn off to the 
nature center.   Between 5:45 this morning and 10 I found 5 vireo, 5 thrush, 
and 20 warbler species at Carver Park.

Select count with general locations  (L=trails accessed from Lowry Nature 
Center, R=Rec/Picnic area, K=King Blind, H=horse trail north of King Blind)

Turkey Vulture 1 (H)
Red-tailed Hawk 1 (L)
Ferruginous Hawk 1 (H)
Golden Eagle 1 (H)
Caspian Tern 4 (L,K)
Chimney Swift 1 (H)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 2 (L)
Least Flycatcher 14(L,R,K,H)
Great Crested Flycatcher 2 (L,R)
Eastern Phoebe 1 (K)
Yellow-throated Vireo 6 (L,K,H)
Blue-headed Vireo 2 (L,R)
Warbling Vireo 3 (L,K,H)
Philadelphia Vireo 1 (K)
Red-eyed Vireo 1 (L)
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 (L)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3 (L, H)
Veery 1 (L)
Gray-cheeked Thrush 1 (R)
Swainson's Thrush 6 (L,R,K,H)
Blue-winged Warbler 1 (R)
Golden-winged Warbler 2 male (L,K)
Tennessee Warbler 21 male and female (L,R,K,H)
Nashville Warbler 7 (L,R,H)
Northern Parula 2 (L)
Yellow uncounted (L,K,H)
Chestnut-sided Warbler 7 (L,K,H)
Magnolia Warbler 11 (L,K,H)
Cape May Warbler 2 male and female (L)
Yellow-rumped Warbler7 (L,K,H)
Blackburnian Warbler 4 male and female (L,K,H)
Palm Warbler 9 (L,K,H)
Bay-breasted Warbler 1 male (L)
Blackpoll 22 male and female (L,K,H)
Black and White (L,K)
American Redstart uncounted (L,R,K,H)
Ovenbird 1 (L)
Northern Waterthrush 3 (L,R)
Common Yellowthroat uncounted (L,R,K,H)
Wilson's Warbler 6 (L,K)

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