Special Presentation May 26 Open to the Public 

Food Security & the Environment: Will We Have to Choose Between Meat and a 
Healthy Planet? 

By Dr. Jonathan Foley, University of Minnesota 

Jon Foley is the Director of the Institute on the Environment (IonE) at the 
University of Minnesota, where he also holds a McKnight Presidential Chair in 
the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior. 

He and his colleagues have been studying how to double food production, cut 
greenhouse gases by 80 percent, and stop loss of biodiversity, pollution, and 
permanent drawdowns of aquifers. 

"What we really want is healthy food that people can afford that doesn't hurt 
the environment. Show me a subsidy right now that rewards that. Our economy 
needs to change a little bit so farmers can make a decent living doing the 
right things, which is feeding the world and being stewards of the 

When: Please join us at Thursday, May 26th, 7:00 pm to socialize over coffee 
and cookies from 7:00 to 7:30 pm. A brief business meeting and the featured 
speaker begin at 7:30 pm. The meeting will conclude before 9:00 pm. 

Where: Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center 3815 American 
Blvd. E, Bloomington.  Seated is limited, but the meeting is free and open to 

Steve Weston 
Program Chair, MRVAC

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